According to past
studies done by several groups of students from our university,
custom writings determine the future of companies providing essay
writing service. These studies embarked on studying the impact of
custom writings on the buying behavior of customers in different
parts of the world. The sample population of this studies included
consumers from different parts of the world. Students inquired from
customers what they thought or considered while buying custom
writings from companies providing custom writings. Surprisingly, all
the studies produced similar results. Although some of the customers
did not care about writing service providers, most of them preferred
a writing service consistent with custom writings.
All the studies
indicate that many learning institutions have standards for custom
writings which students have to consider when developing essays.
Therefore, students expect writing service providers to monitor these
standards when handling their assignments. On of the studies
recommends that any company providing essay writing service should
ensure high standards for custom writings for universal
functionality. Customers will concentrate on writing service
providers who will be able to meet the different standards outlined
by most learning institutions.
These learning institutions determine
standards for custom writings and only those writing service
providers who meet these standards will survive through. Some of the
studies recommended that writing service providers cooperate with
these learning institutions in development of universally acceptable
standards for custom writings. According to the studies, more
customers will contract writing service providers from different
parts of the world as long as they are sure of custom writings and
the survivability of companies within writing services depends on
their ability to embrace future changes in custom essay writing.