Friday, November 9, 2012

The Comparison of Both The Destructor's & The Rocking Horse Winner

...She had bonny children...and she could non wonder them@ (Lawrence 147). Lawrence adds that although the outside world believed the mother loved her children and thought she was a good mother, Aonly she herself, and her children themselves, knew it was not so@ (Lawrence 147).

Early in the floor Lawrence establishes that the mother is bitter because her husband is unlucky and on that referfore the family does not flip enough silver. The mother=s values have been corrupted by materialism, and her innocent child will bring down himself trying to feed her lust for lots of money. The mother=s desire for wealth and social status cuts her off from all natural, maternal feelings. Lawrence=s theme is set up as a conflict between money and steadfast family values. dying takes place when the family chooses money over the st mogul of real values. capital of Minnesota believes he is lucky and that his luck will get the money his mother desires. He rides his rocking horse until he is in a frenzy and in this wild state he dissolve tell who will win the real horse race. The butler and his uncle do the betting and arrange for the mother to have money, as well as themselves. But no matter how galore(postnominal) races Paul wins, the stomach is constantly whispering that there mustiness be more money. This frightens Paul and he starts to lose his ability to see winners. The loss of his luck frightens him even more and he becomes

Trevor, the boy in AThe Destructors@ is not as wildly obsessed as Paul, but he is driven as well. His family had money and social status preliminary to the war when his father was a successful architect. In the postwar period, the family=s fortunes have changed, and their lives are characterized by hardships. The father is a clerk and the family suffers both economic hardships and reduced social status. The story takes place in 1954 in a bombed out Lon come in. The compass is a exerciseshift car park which is the site of the utmost bomb of the first blitz of London in 1941. The lay can be seen as a metaphor for the ending and consequences of war.
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Trevor=s response to these hardships that have changed his life is to come up with a destructive plan of his own, thus we see personnel breeding more violence.

Stealing any objects, even money, from the house is forbidden. Trevor=s ingenious plan is to Ado it from the inside. I=ve assemble a way in...We=d be like worms, don=t you see, in an apple. When we come out again there=d be nothing there...just walls, and then we=d make the walls fall down...@ (Greene 52).

more and more obsessed with his predictions to the point of excluding everything else in life, including his health. At this point the mother, who does not know active the rocking horse, becomes have-to doe with about his health. His uncle on the other hand cares only about Paul=s forecasting abilities and encourages him. Paul rides his rocking horse to the point of death, and his one last prediction pays off, but both his foreland and body are destroyed.

Blackie and the other boys agree because success would pie-eyed Afame for the gang.@ After some obstacles the plan succeeds and soon the landscape has been altered. AThere was no house beside the car park, only a hill of rubble....One blink of an eye the house had stood there with such dignity between the bom
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