Friday, November 9, 2012

The Necklace, Eveline & The Hand

This despair that will represent her dearly when she and her husband have to work their entire lives to step in a borrowed necklace she loses so she could feel rich.

In Eveline, Eveline is a charwoman who is excited about the prospects of escaping her abusive and oppressive home smell. in that respect are many symbols that symbolize this yearning for escape in the story. One of them is Eveline's intended husband, a man who symbolizes everything she has never cognise and would like to know. Another symbol is her father. Eveline's father symbolizes a life of entrapment and thankless domestic servitude much like the life her fetch k bare-assed. Together these two powerful symbols take hold of Eveline and make her to plan to leave in secret with her lover, "In her new home, in a distant unknown country, it would not be like that. She would not be treated as her generate had been" (2). However, as much as her boyfriend symbolizes escape, Eveline v

In The Hand the bodilyity of a honeymooner bride's husband symbolizes his ability to subordination, dominate, and even cause her harm.
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While in bed the newlywed remarks, "It's as if I were laying on some animal", while her husband's hand is called "apelike" and " move its claws, and became a pliant beast" (197). In other words, the physical attributes of her husband come to symbolize his complete dominance and control over her. When she describes the hand the wife says it, "offended, reared back and tensed up in the shape of a crab and waited, ready for date" (197). In other words, the parts of her husband's body come to symbolize the unequal distribution of power in the male-female relationship.

iews her home as a symbol of comfort even if she has experienced rib there. At least she is familiar with the abuse but not the unknown land or an unknown future husband, "In her home anyway, she had shelter and food, she had those whom she ha
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