Monday, November 5, 2012

The Importance of Accuracy in Historical Films Production

Typically historians pan enters nearly history rather than praise them, primarily because they are goal-directed distortions of historic neverthelessts or people. For example, a adopt about the life story of Beethoven, Immortal Beloved, is gen termlly panned by historian critics. This is because scholars argue that zip can verify who Beethoven wrote a letter to, willing all of his possessions to someone he referred to as "Immortal Beloved." As one historian argues, the film's main premised about Beethoven is "abjectly ridiculous! The whole movie is based on a lie! That he willed everything to his ?immortal beloved,' that's a bunch of tosh" (Appelo 35). Other historians criticize the film because it shows a piano of the era but the sounds coming from it are from a different, more new piano. Historians also dole out the film shows Beethoven as deaf(p) before he actually went deaf.

Most historians and film critics contend that films that play fast and loose with the facts and those that invent characters or progenys for their hold sake are not capital historical films, even those that are considered great are often difficult to stress as authentic or finished. Two films generally considered historically great are Glory and The Madness of King George. In the latter, the King is shown in scenes where he must be straight-jacketed and is hurt by dubious medical officials. In reality, the King suffered from porphyria, a dis

ease that causes uncontrollable lecture and causes the urine to show a blue color. Many matte the King talking for 48 hours at a date and eliminating blue urine were fabrications but the film's director maintains the film "is sensibly accurate?quite a lot of the ravings are interpreted from reports written at the time" (Appelo 35). In Glory, a film that depicts an all-black Civil War troop and its white commander, Robert Gould Shaw, historians contend that the film is a great historical film.
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This is because it is highly authentic and accurate with respect to the success of the Forty-Fourth, "showing that African Americans could fight well, created preen among African Americans, and helped the North win the war" (How 18). Even so, the filmmakers did paper some characters and invent some scenes. For example, no racist quartermaster denied situation to the regiment.

Many films, despite efforts at being great historical films, must necessarily fall short of being great historical films because of the nature of the characters or events being depicted. In many another(prenominal) cases, such as with the life of Christ or battles equivalent the Alamo, not enough historical evidence exists to maintain clear authenticity. For example, the most recent version of the Alamo filmed a some years ago is the only film on the event that depicts the battle occurring when it actually did, at night (Barra 51). Likewise, little is know of the actual behavior of some of the main historical figures set-aside(p) in the battle, like Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie. Historian Dr. Ricardo Romo maintains, "I really turn in
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